Youth SOL

Founded in 2021, Youth School of Liberation (Youth SOL) is a community leadership development program that teaches youth the tools to organize their communities to create meaningful change. Youth SOL believes the liberation of all people begins with the liberation of youth. We seek to empower youth to listen to each other, live into democratic processes together, unite around shared interests and values, independently seek out information, and to believe in and use their voices to be powerful agents of the changes they want to see in their own communities.

The youth leaders empower our community to rise up and act, inspiring hope even in adults that change is not only possible but inevitable when we unite together.

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See affiliated initiatives below that Youth SOL supports including:

Restoration Community Action Ministry (RCAM)

The School Food Team

The School Policy Team

About Us

Restoration Community Action Ministry (RCAM) is a ministry of Restoration Community Church in Brockton. Our church has served the Brockton community for 20 years. As a church body, we believe that God has called us to Brockton to radically change the city for His glory. We extend the hands and feet of Christ as we serve and support the city and its disadvantaged.

We have carried out this mission through direct service, partnership with shelters and food pantries, the formation of Restoration’s Closet, and community organizing with Brockton Interfaith Community to work toward systemic racial and economic justice in Brockton.

Our Work

RCAM is dedicated to transforming Brockton into a beacon of justice and equity. Through collaborative, faith-rooted community organizing, we hold public officials accountable to our community. We actively imagine and build the necessary systems and structures to bring forth God's kingdom on earth.

Join RCAM in revitalizing our community and creating a city that embraces accountability, mobilization, and transformative change.

School Food Team

About Us

The School Food Team has been organizing together since October 2022 with the goal of improving the quality, nutritional value, and cultural relevance of school meals, both in Brockton Public Schools and across the state.

Our Work

The School Food Team is dedicated to transforming the food landscape of Brockton Public Schools. Led by passionate students, we strive for change. We have established a student-led advisory committee and gained commitments from Superintendent Mike Thomas, including diversifying school food options and meeting with the student committee to explore possibilities within state regulations.

We successfully implemented Flavor Bars and advocate for the passing of bills like the Healthy School Lunch Bill and Food Literacy Bill. We engage the community through events like the Community Dinner and collaborate with local businesses and growers. We are dedicated to creating healthier, inclusive, and universally accessible school lunches.